2.4 Simple Discount

2.4.1 Simple Discount at an Interest Rate

In discounting at simple interest, the difference D = S - P is called the simple discount (on S) at an interest rate (r). We may interpret D either as the interest I on P which when added to P gives S, or as the true discount on S which when substracted from S gives P.

2.4.2 Simple Discount at a Discount Rate

The discount rate d for a year is the ratio of the discount D for the year to the amount S on which the discount is given. The simple discount D on an amount S, also called bank discount, for t years at the discount rate d, which can be calculated as follows:

(1)   \begin{equation*}  D = S \times d \times t \end{equation*}

And the discounted value, or proceeds, P of S is given by

(2)   \begin{equation*}  P = S - D = S - Sdt = S(1 - dt) \end{equation*}

The charge for some short-term loans may be based on the final amount rather than on the present value. The lender calculates the bank discount D on the final amount S that must be paid on the due date and deducts it from S; the borrower receives the proceeds P. For this reason, bank discount is sometimes called interest in advance. The following equation calculate the maturity value of a loan for specified proceeds/ principals/ present values of S.

(3)   \begin{equation*}  S = \frac{P}{1-dt} = P(1-dt)^{-1} \end{equation*}

Example 2.4

Find the present value of 12% simple discount of $1000 due in 5 months. What is the simple discount?

Example 2.5

Calculate the present value of RM1000 due in 1 year at a simple discount rate of 10% p.a.



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