Book Title: Financial Mathematics in Economics


Book Description:

This textbook has been customised for the course of Financial Mathematics in Economics SJ34303 at Universiti Malaysia Sabah as well as those seeking financial literacy. It introduces readers to basic concepts in finance that require knowledge of mathematics and economics. The areas to be covered are simple interest and simple discount; compound interest and compound discount; bank discount, trade discount, and cash discount; annuity; and depreciation. Each chapter ends with a review exercise as part of a learning reflection for readers. Finally, reader outcomes include financial applications in work and everyday life.

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Book Information

Book Description

Financial Mathematics in Economics introduces readers to basic concepts in finance that require knowledge of mathematics and economics. The areas to be covered are simple interest and simple discount; compound interest and compound discount; bank discount, trade discount, and cash discount; annuity; and depreciation. Each chapter begins with a learning outcomes section and ends with a review exercise as part of a learning reflection for readers. Finally, reader outcomes include financial applications in work and everyday life. The book is organised into six chapters and then divided into subchapters by concept or topic. Interestingly, it applies interactive learning aspects to help readers have fun and learn quickly. Manual calculation and derivation of formulas are explained in detail and consistent terminology and notation are adapted in the text to keep continuous understanding throughout the text. Manual calculations are essential for readers to understand the sources of financial change and ultimately achieve money literacy and economic stability.




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Financial Mathematics in Economics Copyright © by Sarimah Surianshah is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Economics, Finance, Business and Management


Financial Mathematics in Economics
Prof. Madya Dr. Assis Kamu and Dr. Wong Sing Yun

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Financial Mathematics in Economics Copyright © by Sarimah Surianshah is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

eISBN 978-629-99822-1-0

Pusat e-Pembelajaran makes no representation – express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of information contained in this book. Users of the information in this book need to verify it on their own before utilizing such information. Views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Some diagrams were beyond the control of the proofreaders and ebook editors to amend. Pusat e-Pembelajaran shall not be responsible or liable for any special consequential, or exemplary problems or damages resulting in whole or part, from the reader’s use of, or reliance upon, the contents of this book.


This publication is made possible with the support of the Commonwealth of Learning, Canada and Pusat e-Pembelajaran Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

Published by
Pusat e-Pembelajaran,
Aras 5, Blok B, Bangunan Fakulti Komputeran Informatik,
Universiti Malaysia Sabah,
88400 Jalan UMS, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia

Tel: 088-320 000 (207802)

Primary Subject
Economics, Finance, Business and Management
Additional Subject(s)
Economics, Applied mathematics
Pusat e-Pembelajaran Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Ebook ISBN