The process of summarizing data, typically using operators like SUM, AVG, COUNT, etc., to synthesize values into a single result.
Calculated Field
A user-defined field that is derived from other fields using formulas or expressions.
Colour Card
A component in the marks shelf that allows users to assign colours to data points based on dimensions or measures.
A collection of visualizations, filters, and other components displayed on a single view for interactive data comparisons.
Data Connection
The linkage between Tableau and a data source that enables users to access and visualize data.
Detail Card
A component in the marks shelf where users can add dimensions or measures to increase the granularity of a visualization, resulting in more marks being displayed.
Dimension Fields
Dimensions are fields that encompass categorical or qualitative data types, such as strings, dates, Boolean values, and geographic information.
Tools that allow users to slice or control the data displayed in visualizations based on specific criteria.
A way to merge related dimension members into a single entity for simplified analysis.
Hierarchical Field
A structured arrangement of fields in a parent-child relationship, allowing users to drill down or roll up data across different levels (e.g., Year > Quarter > Month).
Label Card
A component in the marks shelf that enables users to display text labels on the data points within a visualization.
Marks Shelf
A section in the Tableau worksheet where users can customize how data points (marks) are displayed in a visualization. It allows users to customize the visual properties of marks.
Measure Fields
Fields that contain numeric or quantitative values are referred to as measures.
A dynamic value that can replace a constant in calculations or filters, enabling interactive data exploration.
Sets are custom groups of data points based on specific criteria.
Size Card
A component in the marks shelf that permits users to adjust the size of marks in a visualization based on a measure.
A pop-up text box that appears when hovering over a data point, providing additional information.
A graphical depiction of data, such as a chart, graph, or map, developed to summarize raw data and convey insights.
A workbook is a Tableau file that contains one or more worksheets, dashboards, and stories.
A worksheet is a single sheet within the workbook where you create specific visualizations.